These trainings aims improve your knowledge and understanding of disability, mental health, and ableism, giving you the opportunity to make your service more inclusive and informed. Anyone who works with vulnerable individuals, offers mental health or care services, or would like to learn more about systems of oppression around health and ability could benefit from one or more of these trainings.
I aim to make my training resources as accessible as possible, both in terms of how they are offered and pricing. If you are a charity or small company that could benefit from some training but can’t afford the full price, please get in touch. If there are any requirements or adjustments I can make around how we deliver a training to you or your staff, let me know.
I are also able to design a bespoke training that combines any of the topics covered with the particulars of your work or the communities you work with – find out more here
Please be aware that none of the trainings offered are clinical in nature, and that theywill not qualify you to offer counselling or treatment

Mental Health Re-Framed
This training focuses on mental health diagnoses, framed from the perspective of individuals who are or would be diagnosed. It aims to help you understand these as processing styles and individual manifestations of distress rather than illness.

Building a Needs-Informed Approach
This training is an informative and exploratory session that aims to find and challenge ableist assumptions and biases that are present around needs and boundaries.

Our Legacies
A training in 3 parts about the past, present, and future of mental health care. It explores the narratives we live within and the oppressive history of western psychology, to help you explore what you want to bring to the field.

Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Conditions
Covers OCD, BDD, BFRB, and Hoarding Disorder; the myths around these; the recommended treatments; and how to support someone struggling with these symptoms.

Learning Disabilties and Dignity in Care
Covers the definition and experience of living with a learning disability, common barriers individuals with LD face, and how to provide support in a respectful way.

Helpline Skills, Listening and Boundaries
For anyone who offers support and/or information over a helpline, whether over the phone or email.

Invisible Disabilities
Many physical and mental health conditions limit people in ways that are hidden or commonly missed, resulting in the person not being supported properly. This training covers common experiences and accessible support.